First Point Group
First Point Group is a specialist recruitment agency focused on the telecommunications technology and IT network technology space. In 2022, it provided telecoms and emerging technology recruitment solutions to 90 countries, making 1,516 placements, completing 3,310 contract extensions and issuing invoices in 52 countries and 10 different currencies.
- Gross profit increased by 27% or $2.6m (£2m), turnover increased from $76m to $84m, and First Point Group made placements with 90 new business clients booking some $2.5m of net fee income (a 39% increase on $1.7m year-on-year). The business also had $4.6m of pre-tax profits, and by December 2022, driven by new business, had grown the permanent business from 8% to 30% of net fee income.
- Its 99 culturally diverse permanent staff, in 11 international offices, speak 20 languages and manage almost 1,000 existing contractors working in countries diversely ranging from China to Libya and Congo to Peru.
- The company recognises a strong corporate social responsibility culture and is a diverse employer. Some 49% of their staff are from a BAME background, 50% are female and 20 languages are spoken across the business. First Point Group celebrates all religious and cultural festivities with events across the offices, and its weekly newsletter highlights through team member interviews what events, such as Ramadan, personally mean to them.
Judges’ comments
“The winner here really impressed the judges with such a strong submission. Not only could this firm illustrate astounding trading results, driven by real investment in technology, training and marketing – it also impressed via the innovation in building technical expertise in its consultants population; driving impactful DE&I strategies and elevating the reputation of the industry in the eyes of UK Plc through its apprenticeship programmes.”