Connex Education Partnership

Connex Education started supporting schools and early years settings in October 2001. Since then, it has become a major whole-school recruitment and training provider to UK schools. It supports over 2,000 schools and deploys more than 7,000 supply staff nationwide. The Learning and Development division has delivered upskilling and formal qualifications to over 30,000 classroom staff and produced 150 newly qualified teachers to the profession.  

    • The organisation contends that education is vital in helping to tackle climate change and has innovative schemes to inspire pupils and schools about the importance of sustainability in their local communities and on the international stage. 
    • All Connex’s supply staff are engaged on contracts for services. It does not engage workers through umbrellas or other intermediaries, and it aims to pay above National Living Wage and pay parity from day one.
  • Our Classroom Climate is a Connex programme for primary-age pupils, fully supporting the English national curriculum and is the perfect companion programme to the Department for Education’s sustainability & climate change strategy. It is teacher-led and can be delivered through Connex’s trained supply staff to help implement environmental change at the schools where they are assigned.

Judges’ comments 

“The very impressive winner showed how it consistently goes above and beyond for its customers with value-add services such as the creation of a learning environment and product which has delivered very real impact and results in its marketplace across the UK. The case study showed an impressive response to talent shortages in Connex’s market, delivering innovation that had tangible impact on client outcomes.”


Highly Commended: Aligra

“This agency illustrated the importance of partnering with a committed recruitment business – showing how brand, reputation and hiring are all positively affected by the skills of the recruitment industry.”