Kite Consulting Group
Kite Consulting Group believes that the best agency is one that delivers the most customer value and satisfaction. Accordingly, the company has overhauled its business and redesigned its processes to put value to clients ahead of its fees. Clients get a good or great hire, or they get their money back for up to a year. In an independent survey, customers rated their satisfaction with Kite at 96%, as against average satisfaction with competitors at only 60%. This high appraisal rating is due to the development of innovative tools and practices that clients can rely on. In 2017, Kite’s number of clients grew by 240% and its staff by 157%, all without a sales function.
• Kite doesn’t employ salespeople. Instead, it relies on good service and word of mouth to generate new business.
• The company’s client service approach includes: integrity; only top-performer placements – average isn’t good enough; a video pre-interview between Kite and the applicant, embedded in each CV; interviewing each candidate’s previous manager on their job suitability before sending any CVs; including better data in CVs, with Scorecard; and using proprietary methods for capturing job specs, with Client Story.
• One example of Kite’s outstanding client service care was holding a capital markets networking dinner where attendees gained advice from experts in MiFID II regulation, which was increasing in pace and complexity during this period. The company’s insight into the senior managers who attended then helped it select hires for various clients.
• Kite also helped clients to develop blockchain capabilities by launching Blocktribe.com as a source of appropriate talent.
• In a third example, Kite provided market information on the behaviours and profiles of top performers with a Performance Trends White Paper, launched in partnership with the Change Management Institute.
Judges’ Comments:
“Kite’s innovative examples of how it supports its clients have contributed to excellent financial results, all backed up with clear metrics to underpin performance.”