Best Candidate Care 2020

Rare Recruitment

Rare Recruitment was founded in 2005 as a direct response to the lack of ethnic diversity represented in the graduate pool hired to enter elite professions.

  • The judges said this is what recruitment should be about – changing people’s lives for the better, rather than “stuffing people into jobs”. To quote one of the testimonials: “Rare’s for anyone who wants to be more than what society might tell you that you can be.”
  • Rare offers a number of highly competitive introductory career programmes, such as Articles, an award-winning programme for brilliant BAME candidates interested in applying for vacation work schemes and training contracts with our legal clients.
  • Advancing Black Leaders (ABL) is a new programme Rare created for JP Morgan to help redress the underrepresentation of black heritage undergrads in their internship talent pipeline.
  • Becoming a Rare candidate quite literally changes the course of a young person’s life. These undergraduates get a direct connection to some of the most prestigious employers in the country. The consistently high level of preparedness that clients experience from Rare candidates at interview means that Rare has been able to both create tailored offerings for each firm and to continue expanding the number of candidates, year-on-year.

Judges’ comments: “Rare was rare indeed. Their direct response to the lack of ethnic diversity represented in the graduate pool to hire into elite professions is leading-edge for the future of inclusivity. The submission was highly evidence based with huge positive impact on candidates who are overrepresented within lower socio-economic groups and who are, in turn, underrepresented at prestigious graduate employers.”

Also: In this category, the judges said it was great to see so many emotional stories describing how candidates have been supported. Not only the winner, but each finalist had real impact and showed both a personal touch with a strong focus on D&I.