Most Effective Compliance Operation 2020
Established in 2008, ersg is dedicated to the energy sector, specialising in clean energy, power generation, subsea and marine engineering.
- ersg understands that a compliant business is more than a box-ticking exercise. The directors have made compliance part of the everyday routine throughout all departments and global offices in the company.
- ersg places seafarer contractors onboard vessels, and keeps a log with every seafarer placement and records information such as daily rates, name of the vessel they are working on, the flag of the country they are working in and the type of vessel they are working on.
- Seafarers’ placements and processes are audited every five years by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency, an executive agency of the UK.
- Whenever the government communicates on important regulatory changes, ersg’s compliance team, led by the global head of legal and compliance, will ensure that everyone in ersg understands and implements the new changes.
- Recruitment consultants are regularly trained and updated on the latest regulatory requirements, and regular compliance audits are built in to managers’ weekly or monthly routines.
Judges’ comments: “ERSG demonstrated that they were elevating the role of compliance within recruitment, putting it front and centre within their complex market. While all entries were impressive in their approach, ERSG stood out for ensuring everyone within the company has compliance in mind – not just for the support operation.”