Best Public/Third Sector Recruitment Agency 2020
TFS Healthcare
Founded in 2010, TFS Healthcare is a UK specialist healthcare recruitment firm placing nurses and healthcare professionals on a permanent and ad-hoc agency basis into the NHS, as well as private hospitals nationwide.
This was a very closely fought category with many agencies overcoming significant challenges. Each finalist can be very proud of their achievements.
- TFS Healthcare is clinically-led rather than sales-led, displaying a deep knowledge and understanding of the healthcare sector. The clinical team is led by two very experienced our nurses: Band 7 RGN Mary-Lee Harper, and ex-RGN, client services director, Roland Sheehan, MBA.
- The clinical team provides continual onsite support to nurses and healthcare assistants through weekly meetings, ensuring they are supported in their role and given help with any concerns or issues.
- All candidates are screened by the clinical team, and a bespoke competency-based clinical interview is completed face-to-face, enabling TFS to meet the candidate in person and assess their suitability.
- The judges were impressed with TFS Healthcare’s candidate attraction to find the best talent. TFS career coaches constantly engage with new candidates through its referral scheme to grow its extensive candidate database. In addition, the firm holds extensive marketing campaigns, open days, road shows, and training and revalidation events.
Judges’ comments: “Clinically-led as opposed to sales-led, TFS Healthcare ran some excellent campaigns to attract and look after great candidates. Clearly a ‘people business’ that doesn’t let technology replace the personal touch.”
Also: This was a very closely fought category with many agencies overcoming significant challenges. Each finalist can be very proud of their achievements.